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The Source of Loyalty

Voon Zhen Yi

Many people criticise these supporters (per the article above) with some even not believing they are real. "They must be paid actors", they say. "No one in their right mind would support the corrupt".

However, these individuals are very genuine in their perceived cause. "Why?" you might ask. It all has to do with favours done in the past/present which is has become the source of loyalty. I’ll explain how through a scenario I observed once.

I was in an elevator with this right-winger big shot who has occasionally appeared in the news making racially sensitive statements. He one by all accounts a hero to one ethnic group and a villain to those he “blames for the suffering of those from this ethnoreligious background.

Descending down, a random person – one of his associates, entered the lift. As we reached the ground floor, another one of his associates was loitering in the lobby. Almost by impulse, he took out two RM50 notes and handed it to them. From their expressions, they weren’t quite expecting it, but didn’t seem too surprised at the same time.

It was my first experience seeing this culture in action – call it whatever you wish.

While the act of giving cash out randomly is certainly not illegal, the source of where the money came from is the questionable bit. And that’s key – questioning. Demanding accountability. That’s something these supporters don’t understand.

It’s amazing what cash handout can do to the shallow-minded. Unfortunately, it’s extremely effective in buying loyalty, sometimes even long-term.


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